Gankhuyag Balbar
Community Development Officer of Community – Lead Conservation project, Mongolia

Gankhuyag Balbar Community Development Officer of Community – Lead Conservation project © TNC
Community development, and Natural resource management
Email: gankhuyag.balbar@tnc.orgBiography
Gankhuyag Balbar has been working for the 8th year as a Community Development officer of the “Community-Led Conservation” project at the TNC Mongolia office. TNC currently works in 28 soums of 5 aimags of Mongolia, and more than 5600 herding families have established 281 community-based organizations (CBOs) for community-based natural resource management, and herders are working to secure their rights. Gankhuyag is responsible for training and empowering members of all these CBOs.
Prior to TNC Mongolia, Gankhuyag worked as Deputy Governor, CRK speaker, Soum Governor in Dadal soum Khentii aimag, Director of Onon-Balj National Park, Community development officer in “Eastern Steppe Biodiversity and Sustainable Livelihood Options” project implemented by the UNDP and Community development coordinator in WWF Mongolia Programm Office. While working in the above-mentioned organizations, he worked to introduce and acquire the legal rights of community-based natural resource co-management to herders in many provinces of Mongolia, to create their legal capacity, and to secure their rights. Gankhuyag has been working for the 25th year in the field of community-led conservation and natural resource management.
He studied geology at the Mongolian National University of Science and Technology, economics and statistics at the Agricultural University, public administration at the Academy of Management, and community development and social marketing at Georgetown University.