Baigalmaa Dembereldash
Ethics & Compliance Director, Asia Pacific Region

Baigalmaa Demberel Ethics & Compliance Director, Asia Pacific Region © Sundari Tumentsogt
Ethics, Compliance, Finance and Operations
Email: bdembereldash@tnc.orgBiography
Baigalmaa Dembereldash joined the Ethics, Compliance & Privacy (ECP) team in October 2021. She is the first ECP Director for the Asia Pacific region. In her role, she engages with leaders and staff to strengthen and promote a culture of integrity and monitors compliance with policies and procedures, laws, and regulations. Baigalmaa brings 27 years of cross-cultural experience working for international and non-governmental organizations to this role.
She was with the Mongolia program as the Finance and Operations Manager where she was one of the first three employees in Mongolia and spent the past 13 years building the program by providing overall direction for all activities related to finance, administration, personnel, facilities, information systems, office management and safety. And ensuring program compliance with TNC policies and procedures and external (donor/legal) requirements.
Baigalmaa Dembereldash graduated from the School of Law, National University of Mongolia in 2001 and the Institute of Foreign Languages in 1994.
When not working, Baigalmaa likes hiking and spending time outdoors with her big family. She is interested in studying anthropology and human well-being. Her name, Baigalmaa, translates to “Mother Nature.”