Munkhjargal Bayarlkhagva
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Officer of the Community – Lead Conservation project, Mongolia

Munkhjargal Bayarlkhagva Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Officer of the Community – Lead Conservation project © TNC
Project management and monitoring
Email: m.bayarlkhagva@tnc.orgBiography
Munkhjargal Bayarlkhagva has been working as the Monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) officer at the TNC Mongolia program’s Community-led conservation project since 2023. Her responsibility is to conduct continuous monitoring, evaluation, and documenting lessons learned and success stories for the project. She tracks project outputs on a quarterly, bi-annual, and annual basis and provides summary reports on progress toward targets. She works closely with project staff, project contracted specialists, local coordinators, and local communities at target soums to ensure project results are collected and reported.
Before joining TNC, she worked as an officer of the Illegal Wildlife Trade project at the Zoological Society of London’s Mongolia Representative Office; and as an environmental impact assessment specialist and environmental advisor for national and international consultancy companies.
Munkhjargal holds an MSc degree in Environmental Management from the University of Manchester and Central European University, and a BSc in Biotechnology from the National University of Mongolia.
In her spare time, she likes to watch nature documentaries, science fiction, and action movies.